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Gen Z marketing playbook: winning tactics for modern brands

gen z cover photo

If you think Gen Z is just another demographic to check off your marketing list, think again. 

Gen Z is quickly becoming one of the most influential consumer groups, and their expectations are anything but ordinary. They demand more than just transactions—they seek meaningful connections, community, and authenticity from the brands they choose to support.

Overlooking these preferences could leave your brand trailing behind while competitors capture Gen Z’s loyalty.

To help your business stand out and truly connect with this discerning audience, it's essential for you to learn the insights shared here to win over Gen Z before it’s too late. 

Who are Gen Z consumers and why are they redefining the market rules?

Gen Z, typically defined as individuals born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, is the first generation to grow up with the internet and social media as integral parts of their daily lives. Gen Z is highly connected, and socially conscious, and values authenticity, inclusivity, and sustainability in the brands they support.

They have never known a world without the internet, making them extremely comfortable with digital technologies. They prefer online shopping and social media engagement and value seamless digital experiences, forcing brands to prioritize digital-first strategies.

  • Community-driven: Gen Z prioritizes brands that foster a sense of belonging and create authentic, community-driven interactions.

  • Value-oriented: They support brands that align with their values, especially those committed to social responsibility, sustainability, and ethical practices.

  • Influence of social media: Social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube are key influencers in their purchasing decisions.

  • Non-traditional loyalty: Gen Z shows loyalty through social media engagement and participation in brand communities rather than just repeat purchases.

Why ignoring Gen Z could mean missing the next big wave in marketing?

a woman holding a gen z sign

Ignoring Gen Z is a strategic misstep that risks sidelining your brand in the most influential and rapidly growing consumer segment. They aren’t just customers; they are trendsetters who shape market directions.

Traditional marketing funnels no longer apply. Gen Z doesn’t follow the linear path of awareness, interest, desire, and action. Instead, they tend to hop between stages, driven by a combination of social media influence, peer recommendations, and real-time interactions with brands.

Growing up with different priorities, influences, and technology, their path to purchase is blurred, making it crucial for brands to engage them at multiple touchpoints simultaneously. Missing this wave means missing out on a consumer base that demands authenticity, engagement, and real-time interaction.

The high cost of ignoring Gen Z


Imagine a cosmetics brand, "GlowUpWithMe," traditionally relied on phone calls, SMS, email marketing, and expert reviews to drive sales. 

While this approach worked well with other groups of consumers, Gen Z is less responsive to such tactics. 

By refusing to pivot its strategy, GlowUp begins to lose relevance as Gen Z gravitates toward newer, more agile competitors who embrace community-driven marketing and sustainability—a core value for this generation. 

As a result, GlowUp's sales decline, and the brand struggles to maintain its foothold in a market increasingly dominated by Gen Z's influence, illustrating the risk of ignoring this vital demographic.

Ask yourself one question! Do you want to be like GlowUpWithMe? 

If the answer is no, then it’s time to explore the best practices to help your brand thrive in a market dominated by this influential generation. Let’s dive into the strategies that will keep your brand ahead of the curve and fully engaged with Gen Z.

Your competitors are winning over Gen Z – Here's how you can too

If you’ve been wondering why your brand isn’t resonating with the younger generation while your competitors seem to have cracked the code, you’re not alone.

The marketing landscape has shifted, and those who adapt quickly are reaping the rewards.

Here are the strategies you must use to capture Gen Z’s attention and loyalty.

1. Dominate social media with video content that builds community and loyalty

social media

Gen Z, raised in a digital world, values inspiration and discovery as core parts of their online experience. They rely heavily on algorithms to curate content that resonates with them.

Here’s how your business can make an impact:

  • Target their content preferences: Gen Z is selective about what they watch and trust their social media algorithms to deliver the right content. Your videos must be authentic and relevant, whether on TikTok, Instagram Reels, or YouTube Shorts.

  • Inspire and engage: 97% of Gen Zers use social media for inspiration, and 77% of them seek style inspiration monthly. Create content that not only showcases your products but also inspires them, whether through tutorials, user stories, or behind-the-scenes looks.

  • Build a community: Gen Z values a sense of belonging. Use video to foster community by encouraging participation, featuring user-generated content, and collaborating with influencers. Make your audience feel part of something bigger to strengthen their loyalty to your brand.

2. Build a loyal Gen Z community or risk losing them to competitors

gen z community

Gen Z values brands that actively engage with them on social media and create a sense of community, as around 82% of Gen Z prefer to be a part of a community. Use platforms like TikTok and Instagram to run campaigns that involve your audience, such as challenges or Q&A sessions, short interviews.

  • Example: Brands like Glossier have built a loyal community by regularly engaging with their followers through user-generated content and behind-the-scenes posts.

Authenticity is key to building trust with Gen Z. Avoid overly polished or scripted content. Instead, show the human side of your brand through real stories and relatable content. 

  • For example, Patagonia’s focus on environmental sustainability resonates with Gen Z, who value brands that align with their personal beliefs.

Also, offer your Gen Z community exclusive content or early product access. This will make them feel valued and part of an inner circle. Nike does this. 

  • Nike’s SNKRS app provides early access to limited-edition shoes, creating excitement and loyalty among Gen Z sneakerheads.

3. Blend digital research with in-person shopping to capture GEN Z’s attention

in-person shopping

For Gen Z, the research phase is crucial in building trust with a brand. They spend significant time online, comparing products, reading reviews, and watching tutorials before purchasing.

Despite being digital natives, Gen Z still values in-person shopping experiences. 74% of Gen Zs believe that real-life experiences are more important than digital ones. 

To capture their attention, blend digital research with in-store shopping by offering features like in-store product availability checks, QR codes for detailed product info, and mobile apps that enhance the shopping experience.

While 73% of Gen Zs prefer purchasing in-store, ensure your physical locations are engaging and interactive. This could include digital kiosks, in-store events, or personalized shopping experiences that make the trip worthwhile. 

Brands like Apple have mastered this by offering workshops and personalized consultations that blend digital and physical experiences.

4. Capitalize on social proof and user reviews to win over Gen Z

social proof

Picture this: A Gen Z  is browsing online, their finger hovering over the "buy now" button. What tips the scale from "maybe later" to "I need this now"? It’s the buzz, the chatter, the collective nod of approval from people just like them. Gen Z thrives on social proof and values the opinions of their peers more than any flashy ad you could put out.

Imagine your brand as a stage. Your customers are the stars, and their reviews are the spotlight that can make your products shine. Each review, each shared experience on social media, isn’t just feedback—it’s a testimonial that builds trust and credibility in the eyes of Gen Z.

  • The majority of customers, about 95%, check online reviews before making a purchase.

Think of social proof as the modern-day word of mouth. It’s no longer just about celebrities endorsing your brand; it’s about real people—micro-influencers, everyday users—validating your product. When Gen Z sees their peers vouching for your brand, they’re more likely to follow suit.

So, how do you turn this to your advantage? Encourage your customers to share their experiences online. Highlight user-generated content on your social channels. Celebrate their stories, and let their voices be the ones that draw Gen Z in. 

After all, nothing says "trustworthy" like a product backed by people who have nothing to gain but a good experience.

So, let your satisfied customers do the talking. Because when it comes to Gen Z, seeing really is believing.

5. Craft a brand experience that makes Gen Z feel like they belong

With 73% of Gen Z saying that they feel alone sometimes or most of the time, the need for connection is more critical than ever. Brands that can tap into this desire for belonging will resonate deeply with this generation. 

To achieve this, it’s essential to create an experience that goes beyond just selling a product—your brand should become a community where Gen Z feels included and valued.

Start by fostering environments where genuine interactions happen. Whether it’s through social media platforms, in-store experiences, or online communities, give Gen Z a space where they can connect with like-minded peers.

brand experience

Offer more than just products—provide opportunities for Gen Z to participate in your brand’s journey. Invite them to co-create content, contribute ideas, or even shape new product lines. 

Make every interaction personal. Tailor your messaging, acknowledge their contributions, and celebrate their uniqueness. When Gen Z feels like they’re part of something bigger, something that reflects their own identity, they’re more likely to stay loyal and advocate for your brand. 

In a world where loneliness is prevalent, your brand has the potential to be a source of connection and belonging for Gen Z.

6. Tap into the "Cool" factor – Align your brand with Gen Z values

cool factor

To connect with Gen Z, your brand must embody what they see as "cool." This means being extraordinary, aesthetically appealing, energetic, high-status, rebellious, original, authentic, subcultural, iconic, and popular.

What can you do to make your brand look cool?

A) Consistently highlight your brand's unique story and values in all content to build genuine connections with Gen Z. 

  • Use Instagram Stories to showcase the raw, unfiltered process of how your products are made, letting your audience see the real people and passion behind your brand.

B) Engage with niche communities through targeted campaigns that speak directly to their specific interests and lifestyles, creating a strong, iconic identity. 

  • Launch a limited-edition product line targeted at a specific interest group, like gamers or sneaker enthusiasts, and promote it in dedicated online communities like Reddit or niche Instagram pages.

C) Launch bold campaigns that challenge industry norms or take a stand on issues important to Gen Z, showing that your brand isn't afraid to push boundaries. 

  • For example,  you can run a bold TikTok campaign that challenges conventional norms, encouraging users to share their own stories of breaking barriers and tie it back to your brand’s mission. 

7. Secure Gen Z loyalty with post-purchase engagement – before someone else does

Securing Gen Z's loyalty doesn't end at the point of purchase—it begins there. Gen Z values ongoing engagement and a sense of belonging, so brands must continue to nurture the relationship to keep them coming back.

gen z loyalty

Here’s what you can do to keep them engaged post-purchase:

  • After a purchase, send a thank-you message with a personalized offer or discount to make customers feel valued.

  • Ask for reviews or social media posts, then highlight this user-generated content on your platforms to build trust.

  • Keep Gen Z engaged with post-purchase content like how-to guides or sneak peeks of new products.

  • Use WhatsApp or Instagram for casual updates and offers, turning one-time buyers into loyal brand advocates.

Brands that fail to engage post-purchase risk losing Gen Z’s loyalty to competitors who better understand their need for continuous interaction and a sense of community. 

Why Your Gen Z marketing strategy needs a refresh – and how SleekFlow can help

Usa WhatsApp Business API con SleekFlow

Gen Z marketing is all about staying current and relevant, and that’s where SleekFlow comes in. If your strategy feels outdated, it’s time to refresh it with tools designed to cater specifically to Gen Z’s preferences and habits. 

If you need to target Gen Z, you don't want to miss using SleekFlow—the best tool for Gen Z businesses. Our social media-related features will help you succeed in Gen Z marketing.

SleekFlow not only helps you stay ahead but also streamlines your sales funnel by encouraging leads to communicate through social messaging apps. This ensures a smooth shopping journey directly within the chat. 

1. Drive Gen Z conversions with SleekFlow’s Click to WhatsApp ad (CTWA)

Click-to-WhatsApp app on Facebook and Instagram Feed

With CTWA, you can create interactive marketing campaigns that directly engage Gen Z. For instance, if you are a fashion brand, you could run a Facebook ad that invites users to "Get Style Tips Now" via WhatsApp. Once clicked, the ad triggers a WhatsApp conversation where users can receive personalized style advice, browse curated outfits, and even place orders—all within the app.

By using SleekFlow, you can create a seamless shopping experience on WhatsApp for your Gen Z customers. 

  • Guided chat flows allow users to browse catalogs, create carts, and complete purchases all within the app, catering to their desire for quick, frictionless shopping. 

This fluid, uninterrupted shopping experience within a familiar platform like WhatsApp appeals to Gen Z’s desire for convenience and speed.

SleekFlow allows you to capture valuable customer data, such as names, mobile numbers, and interests, directly within a CRM system. You can then use this data to send targeted marketing messages, ensuring your Gen Z consumers receive content that is relevant to their interests.

For example, if a customer frequently browses fitness gear, they can be segmented into a fitness-focused marketing campaign, maximizing ROI and reducing cost per click (CPC). This targeted approach is crucial for Gen Z, who expect personalized interactions rather than generic ads.

Then, use SleekFlow’s lead labeling system to measure campaign success, identify high-quality interactions, and adjust your strategies to better resonate with Gen Z, optimizing your marketing efforts.

2. Strengthen customer relationships with WhatsApp Newsletters using SleekFlow

Le Dessert WhatsApp Broadscast Newsletter

Maintaining a strong relationship with Gen Z consumers is essential for brand loyalty, and one of the most effective tools for this is the WhatsApp newsletter. Unlike traditional email marketing, which has an average open rate of about 21%, WhatsApp newsletters boast an impressive open rate of approximately 99%. This makes WhatsApp an incredibly powerful channel for keeping your audience engaged and informed.

To create a high-performing WhatsApp newsletter, you need a tool that’s powerful and easy to use—SleekFlow is perfect for the job. Here’s why you need to consider SleekFlow to send WhatsApp Newsletters to your Gen Z customers:

  • Get started with minimal setup, allowing your team to quickly begin leveraging WhatsApp newsletters.

  • Manage conversations seamlessly across your team, ensuring all customer interactions are handled efficiently.

  • SleekFlow offers an intuitive interface to automate newsletters and other marketing messages, freeing up your team’s time while maintaining consistent communication.

  • Access in-depth analytics to evaluate campaign performance, helping you refine and optimize future newsletters.

  • SleekFlow integrates smoothly with e-commerce platforms like Shopify and CRM systems like Salesforce and HubSpot, consolidating customer data for more targeted messaging.

3. Turn IG comments into sales with SleekFlow Instagram marketing automation tools

Instagram Automation

SleekFlow’s IG Comment to Chat feature automates replies to comments from your customers on Instagram posts, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to engage potential buyers. This feature is particularly crucial when targeting Gen Z, representing $450 billion in spending power. Missing out on even a single interaction with this influential generation could mean significant revenue loss.

To drive their purchase decisions and cultivate brand loyalty, businesses must make a strong first impression by offering near-immediate assistance when Gen Z reaches out. For example, if a customer comments, “Any discount?” on a shoppable post, they can instantly get a reply thanking them for their interest and get a promo code directly to their inbox. 

If they ask, “How to buy?” your team can generate a payment link, allowing them to complete the purchase directly within the chat.

This seamless interaction not only boosts conversion rates but also frees up your team to focus on expanding the customer base or providing more personalized support. 

Success story: How CATS College targeted Gen Z with SleekFlow

CATS College Logo

CATS College, a leading higher education institution in Malaysia, is dedicated to nurturing future-ready talents through innovative courses in creative arts and technology. However, it faces challenges in effectively reaching its students, who are primarily Gen Zs, such as a lack of a strong marketing channel, fragmented communication affecting brand authenticity, and the need for mobile flexibility.

How SleekFlow helped:

  • CATS College added WhatsApp QR codes on brochures, allowing students to connect easily at offline events. They also added a WhatsApp chat button on their website providing a user-friendly channel for online engagement.

  • Using SleekFlow’s CRM, CATS College segmented and targeted their students more precisely, ensuring personalized and relevant communication that resonates with them.

  • They sent bulk WhatsApp messages with interactive buttons, engaging prospective students directly and facilitating immediate engagement.

  • With SleekFlow’s unified inbox, CATS College was able to manage conversations more efficiently and assign tasks to team members seamlessly. This streamlined process not only improved internal coordination but also contributed to a more organized and effective student recruitment process

SleekFlow is the ultimate tool for Gen Z marketing, offering everything you need to build a strong community and loyalty hence effectively engaging and converting this influential generation.

Whether through our Click to WhatsApp ads, Instagram automation, or WhatsApp newsletters, SleekFlow’s social media-focused features are designed to help you connect with Gen Z on their terms. If you need to target Gen Z, you don't want to miss using SleekFlow.

Ready to take your Gen Z marketing to the next level?

Start leveraging our powerful tools today to enhance your Gen Z marketing strategy and drive real results.

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