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SleekFlow review: Why big brands are using us for social commerce?

Why do brands like Francfranc, Lalamove, AQUMON (and more) choose SleekFlow to communicate with their customers?

Whether they are listed companies or small and medium-sized enterprises, as the business scales up, they often encounter the same problems: 

  • How to handle a large number of inquiries? 

  • How to maintain and nurture relationships with thousands of customers? 

  • How to manage conversations on multiple social media platforms?

Brands like Francfranc, Lalamove, STACCATO, AQUMON have chosen SleekFlow as the solution to deliver the best customer experience online. Happy customers mean revenue. The solution helps boost sales and also significantly decreases customer service costs. Read their stories and learn how to sell, support and convert better with the excellent features of SleekFlow.

Lalamove: Everything at one glance

Lalamove's business has soared in recent years. Its value is comparable to those traditional big-names which have already been in the stock market for decades. Partnered drivers are ubiquitous with the bright orange stickers being too big to ignore. How does this billions-valued unicorn leverages SleekFlow to quadruple its effectiveness? The answer is obvious - streamlining the workflow.

Lalamove Director speaks of his favourite feature of SleekFlow

Before using SleekFlow, Lalamove needs to call drivers one by one or use an SMS blast. It required a lot of human resources to make hundreds of phone calls and there was no chat history. Plus, not all the conversations could be dealt with simultaneously and the workflow was not standardized at all as verbal conversations tended to vary.

To solve these problems and keep up with the expansion, Lalamove has decided to utilize the power of SleekFlow. Jeremy Tong, Managing Director of Lalamove, describes how SleekFlow helps save manpower, ‘we can interact with drivers effortlessly when compared to phone calls. Through SleekFlow, our staff members can handle 3 to 4 conversations at the same time instead of one. The result is quadruple.’

Two colleagues work by using SleekFlow

On top of that, they can send a corresponding template message according to various situations on SleekFlow, which allows them to standardize the communication. What is better is that with chat history, team members can take over conversations in a seamless way when necessary.

Read the full story about how Lalamove streamlines and scales up.

AQUMON: A very helpful assistant in communication

Headquartered in Hong Kong with a presence across several regions, AQUMON offers digitalized wealth management services in hopes of bringing a more accessible, affordable, and intelligent solution to empower investors using top-notch technology. The leading Fintech firm has been expanding rapidly and closed a USD 30 million Pre-B funding in 2020.

Like other FinTech firms, AQUMON highly prioritizes the security and privacy of their users’ data. Therefore, after a rigorous search for a compliant communication tool that can also deliver a better customer experience, AQUMON chose to partner with SleekFlow. 


Save time and get back to customers faster

SleekFlow has helped AQUMON reduce 50% of the response time required to revert to their customers. It is very useful, especially when it comes to campaign management. AQUMON can access everything in one place, from sending out information to reviewing analytics, to checking how many people actually engaged with the messages.

Greatly increase efficiency for event guest list confirmation

SleekFlow also facilitates lead generation. AQUMON usually holds two to three events every month. Previously, they had to confirm the attendance of guests manually, but now everything is done automatically with SleekFlow, which has saved them 1 to 2 hours for each event and allows them to keep track of replies. ‘I also like the fact that it allows us to take internal notes so that other team members can take over the conversation fully aware of the thread of conversation and can follow through seamlessly.’ Caroline says.

Prove credibility with a green badge

Having a green badge next to the contact’s name helps build customer confidence and trust. It proves that it is a verified business account on WhatsApp, and when customers see it, they can rest easy knowing that their security and privacy are guaranteed.

Read the full story about how AQUMON entrusts its communication channel to SleekFlow.

STACCATO: Smart customer survey via WhatsApp interactive buttons

STACCATO, a renowned high fashion footwear brand that belongs to a fashion giant named Lai Wah Footwear Company (Lai Wah), has proactively figured its way out to cope with the unexpected situation during the pandemic. Lai Wah owns a wide range of footwear fashion brands plus 20,000 retailer stores in over 300 cities. To bolster the e-commerce ecosystem while leveraging its enormous chain store network, it decided to adopt a chat commerce strategy for its footwear brands, such as Millies, Jipi Japa, Joy and Peace, and STACCATO.


Since WhatsApp is a habit for most people, STACCATO’s frontline salespersons have increasingly relied on WhatsApp to build relationships with customers even before the pandemics.

Unlike company emails, there is no way for Lai Wah’s management to officially own or monitor the WhatsApp conversations for each brand. Besides, salespersons often pass on the physical work phone one by one when replying to different customers. Only one conversation can be handled at a time, while the quantity and quality of messages cannot be tracked efficiently. Lai Wah realized this is not a scalable way to handle the ever-expanding chat commerce trend. 

Multiple log-ins to collaborate in a seamless fashion

Through SleekFlow, multiple log-ins for their frontline salespersons from both website and mobile apps are possible. Even they are far away from the retail store due to quarantine or the legally restricted number of people at the workplace; staff can still be on duty via WhatsApp with an independent device. They can remotely assist clients and reply to messages right away. 

To enhance the team's collaborations, STACCATO has also utilized SleekFlow’s exclusive features, such as internal notes - tagging their teammate inside the conversation while this internal note can only be visible to STACCATO’s team.

The junior salesperson might tag the team leader when they don’t know how to handle a situation or some situations requiring a higher level of authority, like when a customer asks for a refund. The supervisor will instantly receive the notification on his or her mobile phone. Clicking on the notification brings him or her to the chatbox, where the supervisor can grasp the whole situation by reading the chat. A proper response will be sent by the supervisor, thereby enhancing the customer service

A lot of FAQs can now be addressed through a few clicks as a set of FAQs’ answers are in the database. FAQs like store opening hours, refund policy can now be answered with a standardized reply. The salesperson can simply type “/” in the inbox and find a corresponding answer from the lists of answers drafted by the team leader. Management does not have to worry about the discrepancy in response between different salespersons anymore.  


Use of WhatsApp interactive button for customer survey

Knowing your customers better is crucial to an effective marketing campaign. Therefore customer survey is an evergreen marketing activity. STACCATO’s team initiated an innovative means for a customer survey, and the result is impressive.

Making use of the WhatsApp interactive button, closed-end questions with 2-3 answers are designed. Clicking a button is like a contemporary person’s instinct; customers are more likely to reply with this minimal effort. The reply rate improved compared to traditional means of customer survey via email.

Routing can be set up, and conversations will be assigned accordingly. If customers consult the opening hours of the STACCATO store at Central, this client contact and conversation will be assigned to the Central STACCATO team.

Read the full story about how STACCATO boosts its remote sales revenue.

Weirdo Beauty: ‘Virtual concierge’ that helps organize all the data and conversations

Weirdo Beauty, an up-and-coming beauty salon, has to handle up to hundreds of inquiries every day, just like all the counterparts. With a small team size, they can still process dozens or even hundreds of customer inquiries efficiently. Meanwhile, they are capable of addressing the needs of around 5000 existing customers with automated WhatsApp marketing campaigns. 

Moving to a new place whose size is quadruple, Weirdo Beauty has been successfully expanded despite the pandemic. Cheuk Ying Wong, Founder of Weirdo Beauty, explains the secrets behind it.

Weirdo Customer Story p3

Before using SleekFlow, they all needed to share one work phone. Each time, only one of them could use the phone. Mostly it would be Cheuk Ying to manage all the messages and it was very likely to miss customers’ messages. The response time was long as well.

Weirdo Customer Story p4

SleekFlow has helped them to shorten the response time. ‘The biggest progress is that the response time has become much shorter. At the same time, we will not miss messages anymore. This elevates customer satisfaction.’ Cheuk Ying says.

Chatbot to handle simple FAQs

She also adds that the chatbot function is practical for a beauty salon, ‘It can handle most simple FAQs such as treatment prices, business hours, or other straightforward questions. Due to the manpower constraint, sometimes it is impossible for us to reply right away. The chatbot function is hence helpful. When customers ask questions containing specific words, the chatbot is capable of detecting and can reply to them correspondingly. This greatly reduces our workload.’

Read the full story about how Weirdo Beauty sets up its 24/7 virtual concierge.

SleekFlow can help increase sales for your business. Want to know more?

alfred24: Useful for e-commerce businesses and restaurants

To build a better planet for our next generations, alfred24, an emerging leader in the logistic industry, offers a green and sustainable yet affordable delivery solution for retailers, marketplaces, and logistics service providers. Their automated solutions enable couriers to make more deliveries with fewer vehicles, and online merchants to ship more spending less, reducing both labor and carbon emissions.

alfred24 evolves to meet the high expectations from users whom they interact with on a daily basis. Alvin Lee, General Manager of alfred24, explains why SleekFlow is their best alternative to other available communication tools and platforms.

alvin lee general manager from alfred24

Before switching to SleekFlow, alfred24 had been using WhatsApp for quite a while. But since the solution provider was not an official partner of WhatsApp, the connection was sometimes unstable. When the phone that hosted the WhatsApp account crashed, they had to disconnect and reconnect the account using other devices. The whole process could take up to three hours and it might happen more than once a day, causing a delay in responding to messages.

alfred24 parcel

Minimal downtime to enjoy an uninterrupted experience

alfred24 now enjoys an uninterrupted and seamless experience on SleekFlow, which offers a solution powered by an official partner of WhatsApp. What is better is that they can connect both their existing WhatsApp account and the newly set up WhatsApp Official Business Account to SleekFlow, managing all the conversations in just one place. Owing to its stability, they save a considerable amount of time on solving technical issues, reducing response time by 60%. 

Broadcast messages to multiply open rate and expand the reach

Compared to electronic direct mails, text messages often have a higher open rate and in this case, it is proven to be right, again. On SleekFlow, alfred24 can send out WhatsApp broadcast messages with just a few clicks and review the performance on the analytics dashboard without switching between windows. Unsurprisingly, they have observed a significant difference in the open rates - the WhatsApp messages open rate is quadrupled of the EDM open rate.

Read the full story about how alfred24 creates a stable and effective communication channel.

ZENXIN: Good for FMCG companies

Established 20 years ago, ZENXIN Agri-Organic Food, an award-winning producer, distributor, and retailer of organic produce, has become the leader in Southeast Asia. It has an extensive organic network across the region, from organic processing facilities to organic farms and growers. ZENXIN sells domestic and imported organic food through stores and partnered supermarkets in Singapore and Malaysia. Customers can also find their exported fresh and healthy organic vegetables in Hong Kong and other parts of the region.

To keep up with the digitized world, ZENXIN launched its online stores years ago. When the pandemic hits the whole world and major cities are in lockdown, ZENXIN's forward-thinking management saw it as an opportunity to develop and enhance its digital assets in order to maintain its high level of engagement and service to its customers. Tai Seng Yee, Executive Director of ZENXIN, sees SleekFlow as the perfect partner for it.

Tai Seng Yee from ZENXIN

​​The pandemic which puts people in isolation has made it extremely difficult for businesses to interact with customers face to face. ZENXIN used to be able to recommend products according to different needs of customers and explain the nutritional value through their in-store representatives. This was no longer possible when non-essential stores were forced to close or limit their operating hours with ever-changing government guidelines and regulations. 

The e-commerce industry is getting crowded as the cost of setting up an e-commerce store is lower than it used to be. In such a cutthroat competition, standing out from the crowd will never be a simple job. ZENXIN was quick to understand this and take action on it. Realizing that customers today want personalized experiences, especially online, they started looking for an omnichannel platform that can do just that.


​A centralized all-in-one platform to facilitate direct communication

ZENXIN communicates with hundreds of customers offline and online every day. As conversations happen on various social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messengers, and Instagram, they find an all-in-one centralized platform particularly helpful. Through SleekFlow, they can now reach consumers easily, communicate with them directly, and provide the same level of customer experience as they do in face-to-face interaction. 

Personalized message to engage customers and extend the lifespan

Personalization is proven to have positive effects on open rates and click-through rates. After using SleekFlow, ZENXIN can personalize its broadcast messages to make them more engaging. Names of customers can now be added to the messages so when they receive the messages, they feel like they are talking to someone who knows them and would be more interested in replying. The average customer lifespan of ZENXIN can be very long. With the new ability, they can maintain customer loyalty more effectively to prolong the lifespan and nurture new batches of customers.

Read the full story about how ZENXIN speeds up its digital transformation.

What is next?

Now you have read the real-life examples about how SleekFlow can help businesses to sell, support and covert better on socials. If you want to step up your e-commerce game using the power of SleekFlow, contact us and talk to our experts now!

Check out more success stories.

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